Psychology of Financial Decision-making


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Psychology of Financial Decision-making

  1. P Chatterjee, R Rose (2012). Do Payment Mechanisms Change the Way Consumers Perceive Products?“, Journal of Consumer Research (April, Vol. 38, Pages 1129-1139). PDF

  2. H Mishra, A Mishra, J Rixom, P Chatterjee (2013). Influence of Motivated Reasoning on Saving and Spending Decisions”, Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes (Vol.121, Issue 1, Pages 13-23) PDF

  3. J Choi, Y Li, P Rangan, P Chatterjee, S.N. Singh (2014). The Odd-ending Price Justification Effect: The Influence of Price-endings on Hedonic and Utilitarian Consumption. Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science PDF

  4. P Chatterjee (2016). Response to Pashler et al.(2016) Basic and Applied Social Psychology 38 (1), 19-29 PDF

  5. S Sarofim, P Chatterjee, R Rose (2020). When Store Credit Cards Hurt Retailers: The Differential Effect of Paying Credit Card Dues on Consumers’ Purchasing Behavior. Journal of Business Research PDF

  6. A Attari, P Chatterjee, SN Singh (2022). Taking a chance for a discount: An investigation into consumers’ choice of probabilistic vs. sure price promotions. Journal of Business Research PDF